
Microplastics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Xiamen coastal areas: implications for anthropogenic impacts
发布日期:2018-3-28      浏览次数:2689

3月28日,课题组题为“Microplastics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Xiamen coastal areas: implications for anthropogenic impacts”的研究论文被《Science of the Total Environment期刊接收。

本研究选择微塑料和多环芳烃(PAHs)为代表物质,以快速工业化和城市化发展的厦门沿岸作为研究区域,采集并分析了海水与沉积物中微塑料与PAHs的分布,以及人为活动影响和二者之间潜在的关系。研究结果表明,表层海水微塑料丰度范围为103-2017/m3,平均值为514.3/m3;沉积物微塑料丰度范围为76-333/kg,平均值为181/kg;表层海水溶解态Σ13PAHs含量范围为18.1-248 ng L-1,平均值为61.6 ng L-1。在半封闭的西港中,表层海水和沉积物中微塑料丰度最高,可能是由于西港微弱的水动力交换过程所致。泡沫是表层海水中丰度最高的一种微塑料形态,而沉积物中却没有发现。镜检和傅里叶变换红外显微镜(FTIR)分析结果表明,聚乙烯(PE)和聚丙烯(PP)是研究区分布最广泛的塑料类型。







                                             图1 表层海水微塑料分布图




                                              图2 沉积物微塑料分布图



                                       图3 表层海水中PAHs含量分布图


Microplastics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated to study the influence of human activities and to find their possible relationship on the coastal environments, where the coastal areas around Xiamen are undergoing intensive processes of industrialization and urbanization in the southeast China. The abundance of microplastics in Xiamen coastal areas was 103 to 2017 particles/m3 in surface seawater and 76 to 333 particles/kg in sediments. Concentrations of dissolved PAHs varied from 18.1 to 248 ng/L in surface seawater. The abundances of microplastics from the Western Harbor in surface seawater and sediments were higher than those from other areas. Foams were dominated in surface seawater samples, however, no foams were found in sediments samples. The microscope selection and FTIR analysis suggested that polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) were dominant microplastics. The cluster analysis results demonstrated that fibers and granules had the similar sources, and films had considerably correlation with all types of PAHs (3 or 4-ring PAHs and alkylated PAHs). Plastic film mulch from agriculture practice might be a potential source of microplastics in study areas. Results of our study support that river runoff, watershed area, population and urbanization rate influence the distribution of microplastics in estuarine surface water, and the prevalence of microplastics pollution calls for monitoring microplastics at a national scale.


Keywords: Microplastics; POPs; Cluster analysis; Correlation analysis; Human activities; Southeast China