
发布日期:2025-3-5      浏览次数:60

      2025114-17日,第七届厦门海洋环境开放科学大会(XMAS 2025)在福建厦门举行。全球36个国家,超过1700位科学家参会研讨,会议围绕科技变革推动海洋可持续发展主题深入探讨,与全球远道而来的学者共同激发可持续发展的新灵感。


  课题组博士生游慧敏在“Marine Microplastics: Novel Methods, Transportation processes and Ecological effects” 分会场作题为《Polypropylene vs Polylactic Acid: Longitudinal Study on In-Situ Marine plastic Degradation and Biofilm Dynamic》口头报告;博士生史敬文在“Emerging Contaminants in the Marine Environment and Polar Region: ProcessesS69-3Effects, and Health”分会场作题为《Air-water exchange and water-particle partitioning of PAHs in the Beibu Gulf of the South China Sea: Revealing their potential regulatory mechanisms from machine learning approach》口头报告;博士生崔博文在“Marine Microplastics: Novel Methods, Transportation processes and Ecological effects” 分会场作题为《Impact of Global Warming and Human Activities on Microplastics from a Deep Learning Perspective: A Case Study of the Taiwan Strait》;课题组博士生SHAMIM、硕士生陈旭珂、和硕士生黄莉雯分别进行题为《Microplastics in AquacultureFarmed Ponds in Western Region of Bangladesh: Distribution, Abundance, and Environmental Risk Assessment》、《Does microplastics found in submarine groundwater discharge in coastal bay —— case from Quanzhou Bay and Meizhou Bay?》与《Microplastics in the Beibu Gulf: Enhancing the accuracy of data repair by deep learning》墙报展示。




