
The 3rd Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences
发布日期:2017-1-12      浏览次数:812

第三届厦门海洋环境开放大会(The Third Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences, XMAS-III)于201719-11日在厦门大学思明校区科学艺术中心成功举办。

我课题组蔡明刚老师,博士生陈凯、林嫣、刘萌阳以及硕士生何海霞积极参与了此次会议。其中林嫣同学做了题为“Reconstruction of Evolving Anthropogenic Activities and Climate Change from PAHs and Pb deposition in the Northern South China Sea: More Evidence from Pb Isotopic Composition and Positive Matrix Factorization”的墙报展示,刘萌阳同学做了题为“Fate of PAHs in the Arctic and Antarctic Seawater: Inventory and particle export”的英文口头报告。
